Wills and Estates Lawyer
It is important to create a Will while you are capable of doing so, and to update your Will to address changes in your circumstances or intentions.
Last Will and Testament
A Last Will and Testament is a legal document designed to address your family’s financial future. Your Will makes sure your estate (your property and assets) will be divided among those you have chosen as your beneficiaries, and can provide for certain protections against taxation and the probate fees to be paid at the time of validating and administering the Will. Your Will also determines who will manage your property after your passing and until it has been distributed (an estate trustee or 'executor').
From time to time, the rules concerning estate taxation change. You might wish to change the beneficiaries of your will – for various reasons. You might need to name a new executor. A change in your marital status will require a review of your will.
Wills Lawyer
Sue Chen Lawyers will help you draft your Will and keep it current. Your Power of Attorney for Personal Care is another legal document, designed to express your will with regard to your health care. Where a Last Will and Testament takes effect after you die, your personal health care Power of Attorney has effect while you are still alive but unable to make important decisions about your care. This Power of Attorney (which is not the same as your Continuing (or Enduring) Power of Attorney for Property – see *) grants to those you trust the authority to decide matters of medical care on your behalf, in circumstances where you are unable to provide informed medical consent. Your will and powers of attorney are important for legal reasons – to manage your property and health and legal rights – and to give you a sense of security about your future.
Wills and Estates Lawyers in Vancouver and Toronto
Sue Chen Lawyers understand medical care, the law, and the uncertainty that comes with thoughts about the future. We are dedicated to helping you feel your individual concerns have been heard and addressed in legal documentation designed to manage your uncertainty and provide you with peace of mind.