Car Accident Lawyer
Tens of thousands of motor vehicle accidents happen in and around the Greater Toronto Area and Vancouver every year.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Whether or not you caused a collision, if you have been injured you have a right to no-fault accident benefits: this is compensation available to offset your costs of medical care and rehabilitation, loss of income if you can’t go to work, and, in certain circumstances, various other expenses, like housekeeping and visitors’ expenses.
If you have been injured as a result of another motorist’s negligence, you have a right to sue for damages in the courts, to recover any losses not covered by your own (no-fault) insurance, and, if you have suffered an ongoing, serious injury, an amount for your pain and suffering.
Car Accident Lawyer in Toronto and Vancouver
Sue Chen’s personal injury lawyers in Toronto and Vancouver represent adults and children who have been injured in car and motorcycle accidents, accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians and motor vehicles, and accidents that involve public transportation.
If you have been injured in a car accident or truck accident, or suffered injuries as a result of anyone’s operation of a motor vehicle, you will find experienced and dependable accident lawyers at Sue Chen Lawyers.