Advance Directive
As we get older, each of us must consider the prospect of failing health. And while illness and infirmity are different for everyone and affect us in different ways, some people fall into a state of incapacity, such that they are unable to decide questions about managing personal property or about health care.
Advance Care Plan
Most of us would rather not think much about these things, but, in the event you do not put plans in place prior to your illness and incapacity, certain decisions about your life might be taken by the Courts. By granting trusted individuals powers of attorney, you can choose who will be your decision maker(s). Just as you do when you prepare a will, you are planning for your future. Your plans might include a continuing (or enduring) power of attorney for property, a power of attorney for personal care (health care power of attorney), and a document describing your wishes for health care at or near the end of your life, or in the event you become incapable of taking your own decisions.
Sue Chen Lawyers can help. Not only do we help our clients prepare their wills, we also help with powers of attorney for property and personal care, and with advance health care directives. End-of-life care planning is a very personal process and is not easy. It is, however, an important step in achieving peace of mind as you age. You family and dearest friends, and your health care providers, can help you consider and understand the implications of incapacity due to illness or injury. Sue Chen Lawyers can provide the support you need to understand the legal implications of your wishes, and in committing your plans to writing.
Advance care planning is a complicated subject. The law continues to evolve, and Courts continue to struggle with the meanings of such plans – there is no exact formula, and careful consideration must be given to the likely outcomes of your health care when it is to be based on wishes you expressed before you became ill and unable to communicate your consent.
In doing this planning, you may wish to consider various interventions or non-interventions. Some people decide to set down in writing their wishes concerning
Whether and when to withdraw medical treatment,
Whether and when to refuse food and drink,
Palliative care options, and
mMedical assistance in dying.
Sue Chen Lawyers recognise there is no one way to approach end-of-life care and no one list of concerns that will be important to everyone.
Advance Directive in Ontario and BC
Advance medical directives will not be achieved overnight; nor will they be set in stone. It might well be you change your mind in time and wish to revise your plans.
Sue Chen Lawyers will help you at every step of the way. We will work with you to understand just what it is you hope to achieve by advance planning, and we will guide you through the process of putting your wishes in place, by way of the legal documents that will best achieve your goals.